Experience the Legend
Float planes, boats, buildings, equipment, deeded land, concessions, and 40 years of irreplaceable knowledge. Tikchik Narrows is the most unique and exciting investment opportunity in North America. Step into the turnkey operation that is the best-in-class, fly-out destination in the world. Now is your chance to own the crown jewel of Bristol Bay, Alaska.

The Offering
Tikchik Narrows has proven itself through the years to generate a competitive rate of return. This once in a lifetime opportunity awaits you and can continue to be a profitable business for the adventure entrepreneur or become the most incredible exclusive retreat in private hands. Contact broker for detailed financials and information.
Utilizing three DeHavilland Beavers on floats, one Cessna 206 on floats, and 40 strategically located boats you have limitless access to the most remarkable experiences on earth.
The fishing program utilizes the Nushagak, Togiak, Wood, Kulukak, Tikchik, and Iliamna watersheds for truly mind-boggling rod & reel action in this area that is known as the salmon factory of the world. Tikchik anglers catch all five species of salmon—king, sockeye, chum, pink, and silver—as well as world class rainbow, char, grayling, Dolly Varden, lake trout, and northern pike.
The owner, Bud Hodson, has spent over 30 years perfecting this network of access points, equipment, and staffing. Bud will greet you at the lodge and is ready to hand off his masterpiece in a coordinated transaction of assets while ensuring a soft landing for new ownership.
The asking price is for 100% of Tikchik Narrows Inc. stock.
Tikchik Narrows Lodge is located in the Bristol Bay region of Southwest Alaska in the 1.5 million-acre Wood-Tikchik State Park. Bordering the State Park to the west is the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge which encompasses 4.7 million acres of land. The Wood-Tikchik system contains 13 major lakes which stack one above the other. The western edges of the lakes extend into beautiful fjords into the rugged Kilbuck Mountains. Togiak Wildlife Refuge contains three major river systems draining the Kilbuck Mountains to the southwest.
This area is only accessible by float plane and is over 300 miles from the nearest connecting roads system. Unlike most other Alaskan Lodges, Tikchik Narrows Lodge is totally isolated. “We are not located in a town or village. Our neighbors are the undisturbed fish and wildlife which abound in this area.”— Bud Hodson
Bud has owned and operated Tikchik Narrows for over 30 years and has nearly 40 years of flying and fishing in the Wood River/Tikchik Lakes region of Western Alaska. Bud has agreed to stay on for a year or two to help transition to new ownership and to pass on his wealth of experience.
Bristol Bay is well-known for clear, winding rivers, lakes, and dramatic panoramas of tundra against mountain backdrops. The pristine landscape supports an astonishing diversity of wildlife: from marine mammals and fish to land mammals and birds. Imagine living in a land where brown bears outnumber residents, where most travel is on river or by air because there are only 200 miles of roads, and where 45-65 million sockeye salmon return annually in a tradition going back thousands of years.
Once separated by the dramatic terrain of the Bristol Bay region, the Aleut, Eskimo, and Indian people encountered each other thousands of years ago while venturing out in search of resources. Today, the distinct customs, languages, and traditions of these ancient cultures still define our region.
The Main Lodge is elevated on a natural rock base on the tip of a narrow peninsula which separates Tikchik and Nuyukuk Lakes (Tikchik Narrows). It features comfortable lounging areas with a natural stone fireplace and a unique circular dining room that is suspended above the lake.
Guest rooms are located in seven duplex-style guest cabins nestled on the lakeshore overlooking Nuyukuk Lake and the Kilbuck mountains of Bristol Bay to the west. Each room has a full private bath, independent heat and hot water, lots of closet space and shelving, and large windows to take in the view. There are accommodations for up to 20 guests with on-site housing for up to 36 staff. Tikchik Narrows Lodge is a place you can call home with amenities that offer a comfortable environment to rest after a wonderful day of Alaska fishing and adventure.
A walk-in freezer, walk-in cooler, water treatment building, generator buildings, complete maintenance repair shop, a separate building just for aircraft parts and supplies, a large laundry facility, warehouse, and a greenhouse. Tikchik is totally isolated meaning everything has to be flown in and garbage is flown out, including fuel for the generators, boats, aircraft, and propane. A 1,500-foot gravel runway is located between the main buildings and the owner’s residence.
Structures• MAIN LODGE: 3,215 SF | Built in 1967
• OWNER’S HOME: 960 SF | Lyndal Cedar A-Frame | Built in 2009
• SEVEN DUPLEX GUEST CABINS: 4,150 SF total | Built from 1978-2012
• ELEVEN STAFF CABINS 2,960 SF total | Built from 2003-2021
• LAUNDRY/SAUNA: 650 SF | Built in 1989
• SHOP, WAREHOUSE, & AIRCRAFT BUILDINGS: 440 SF total | Built in 1990-2003 -
Each Beaver will fly approximately 275 hours each season and the 206 about 350 hours. Tikchik Narrows is a certificated part 135 operator and all lodge operations are under FAA part 91 rules. Fuel bladders and other tricks of the trade are employed to gain maximum usage of Tikchik aircraft and vehicles in resupplies and guest transportation from Aleknagik Lake near Dillingham.
• 1954 DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver on Floats tail number N695TK
• 1954 DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver on Floats tail number N697TK
• 1954 DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver on Floats tail number N698TK
• 1974 Cessna U206 on Wheels and Skis tail number N35851Vehicles
• 1997 Ford Econoline Cargo Van
• 2001 Ford E350SD 15 Passenger Van
• 2013 Ford F150 4 Passenger Truck
• 2014 Ford F350 15 Passenger VanBoats and Outboards
• Thirty-Six 18’ skiffs strategically located at 10 different fly out locations.
• One 22 foot Bayliner at the main Lodge
• Thirty Yamaha Outboards Jet Drive 40-90 HP
• Seven Yamaha Outboards Prop Drive 25-115 HP
• Ten Honda Outboards Prop Drive 30-115 HPMachinery
• John Deer Tractor with backhoe, forks, and bucket
• Four 4-wheelers
• Four Chainsaws
• Two High Capacity Transfer Pumps
• Class B DEC approved water filtration system
• Three Generators of 45KW that run 24/7
• Gasoline storage: 2,000-gallon bladder and 600-gallon steel tank
• Aviation fuel storage: Three 2,000-gallon steel tanks and one 10,000-gallon bladder
• Diesel storage: 5,000-gallon bladder and two 300-gallon steel tanks
• Propane Gas: 150 100-pound steel tanks
• Drill press, welders, and many miscellaneous tools
• Warehouse of parts for motors, planes, and working equipment -
Tikchik Narrows has over a dozen locations encompassing an area the size of Tennessee, where small boats and guide camps are established. The drop-off locations include native land leases, as well as federal and state concessions, strategic to efficient operations and maximizing fun. Of course there are hundreds of other spots that can be accessed for fishing, bear viewing, and other adventures that fascinate the soul.
Togiak River Camp
This camp is on Twin Hills Native Corporation lands on the Togiak River. Tikchik has had a land-use agreement with Twin Hills Native Corporation for many years. Tikchik pays $15,000 in fees. There are two other Lodges on the River and we keep this camp the entire season where we target salmon.
We typically have three guides live there and have five boats. A typical day is to fly six anglers out to Togiak to fish for the day.
Kashaiak River Camp & Boat StorageTikchik has exclusive use (permitted by Togiak National Wildlife Refuge) of this five-mile section of the Togiak River. These are ten-year permits and Tikchik was just awarded a renewal for ten more years. The permit allows Tikchik to have a guide camp with two guides, however, we often just fly in with four anglers and two guides for day fishing. The fees are minimal.
Kulukak River CampTikchik shares semi-exclusive use with Royal Coachman Lodge. This is in the Togiak National Wildlife refuge and Tikchik has a five-plus-five-year permit. After five years if the operator does not have a violation or accident then they get to renew the permit. Tikchik is currently awaiting the five-year renewal.
Kulukak is a small river with all five species of salmon. The permit allows us to have a guide camp and overnight anglers which we do not do. We day fish it. The fees are minimal.
DillinghamDillingham is our hub with commercial jet service daily. All of our freight, food, beer, wine, and fuel transits through Dillingham en route to Aleknagik Lake. Dillingham is a city of about 2,500 residents, but it doubles in size in summer because of tourism and commercial salmon fishing. Dillingham has a supermarket and has bulk (Costco and Sam’s Club items) for food and supplies. They also have an ACE hardware and marina for boating items.
Aleknagik LakeAleknagik Lake is our base for flying people, cargo, and fuel to the lodge. Aleknagik is 20 miles north of Dillingham on a well-maintained paved road. Aleknagik Lake is a big lake that allows our float planes to haul capacity loads. The Wood-Tikchik State Park has a concrete ramp and parking for our planes. There is a bridge connecting the south shore and north shore. On the north shore, we use Moody’s Marina which sells bulk fuel. We park our vehicles at Moody’s.
Agulawok River Boat StorageThe Agulawok (the Wok) River is a short river between two lakes. We typically fish it in late August and September for rainbow trout, Dolly Varden, char, and grayling when the sockeyes are spawning. Last year the water was too shallow so we did not fish it. The Wok is in the State Parks so our permit to operate in the park covers the Wok. Tikchik pays a $ 12 per person per day use fee (tax).
Agulapak River CampAgulapak River is in the State Park, so Tikchik’s Park Permit allows us to fish there. The Agulapak is a three-mile-long river between two lakes. It is designating fly fishing only and catch and release for rainbow trout. We have three boats there. We have a land-use agreement with Wassillie Etuckmelra, a local Native, who has 40 acres of private land. It is a BIA-approved lease. We have been leasing the site for many years. We pay $6,600 for the summer. We keep two to three guides in camp. By keeping the guides in camp we can fly four anglers daily with the Cessna 206.
Nuyukak FallsNuyukak Falls is located four miles downstream from the outlet of Tikchik Lake. It is a seven-minute flight and we traditionally fish it every day with two anglers through spring and summer. The falls are in the park and we have one boat there.
Lower Nushagak King CampWe fish for king salmon and sockeye salmon at Lower Nushagak King Camp. We keep three guides there and fish daily from our opening week June 18 until about July 10th. We have a permit with Choggiung Limited Native Corporation. We pay Choggiung $3,740 in land use fees.
Silver Mine CampSilver Mine Camp is located at the confluence of the Nushagak River and Nuyukak River. We pay a land-use fee of $3,200 annually to Koliganek Native corporation. We traditionally fish for silver salmon starting in early August. We have a camp with three guides at peak times.
Upper Nushagak CampWe have a permit with the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources. The cost is minimal. We keep three guides there all season. We have 30 miles of river to fish and only two other boats from another lodge fish it. We fish the Upper Nush every day for rainbow trout, Dolly Varden, and grayling. We keep three boats there.
Sunset CampSunset is our overnight camp located 20 miles upriver from our Upper Nushagak Camp. We accommodate anglers on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. There is space for two guests in sleeping tents each with a separate bathroom attached with flush toilets and a vanity with running water. We have two guides and a camp cook/hostess. We usually close the camp down in Mid-August.
The camp is located on the Native Allotment of Fred Nelson who passed away and Tikchik pays his estate $ 7,700 a year.
Kvichak RiverWe have two boats staged on the Kvichak River to fish in August and September. The Kvichak is well known for its large rainbows.

Key People
Bud Hodson
Guest Services
Located in the Bristol Bay region of Southwest Alaska, Tikchik Narrows Lodge is only accessible by float plane and is over 300 miles from the nearest connecting roads system. Unlike most other Alaskan Lodges, Tikchik Narrows Lodge is totally isolated. We are not located in a town or village. Our neighbors are the undisturbed fish and wildlife which abound in this area.